Be Wealthy.
BC Introduces Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant

BC Introduces Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant

BC has just introduced the Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant to assist with the recent changes in COVID restrictions.

Hospitality and fitness businesses impacted by the March 30th, 2021 provincial health orders will be eligible to receive between $1,000 and $10,000 in grant funding based on the number of employees:

  • No employees: $1,000
  • 1 to 4: $2,000
  • 5 to 99: $5,000
  • 100+: $10,000

To be eligible, a business must:

  • Have been in operation as of February 1st, 2021;
  • Confirm it has been affected by the recent provincial health orders;
  • Provide electronic banking information;
  • Confirm that it is registered as a B.C. business;
  • Produce a business validation document, such as a business licence, liquor licence, notice of assessment or lease agreement; and
  • Confirm majority ownership and operations and payment of taxes in B.C.

Applications are expected to open the week of April 12th, 2021, and will close on June 4th, 2021, or until the funds are dispersed.

To register to receive an email notification when applications open, businesses can visit:

Businesses that have received, or are in the application process for the Small and Medium Sized Business Recovery Grant, will be contacted directly about applying for the Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant.

If you have any questions about the Circuit Breaker Business Relief Grant or the Small and Medium Sized Business Recovery Grant, please feel free to contact one of our offices and we would be happy to help.

Contact our Cranbrook office at (250) 426-1976 or our Creston office at (250) 428-2248.